The Apostolate
The Oblata lives alongside the assisted people, like a real mother, with the charity of St. Jerome Emiliani.
Children, especially in poor countries, come from places where there are no schools so they are helped to learn local, family, professional and Christian tasks, which can be useful for their future.
Faith and trust in Divine Providence will become one of the characteristic notes of the Oblate of the Mater Orphanorum, it is an integral part of her spirituality and her charisma.
Filial devotion to Our Lady of the Orphans will always animate the Oblate and push her to undertake these works of charity, to testify to the infinite love of God.
The apostolate of the Mater Orphanorum work is presente in:
America: North, central and South

Casa accoglienza bambini orfani e bisognosi di assistenza

Casa per bambini (in Costruzione)


“Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these, my brothers, you did it to me”
(Matthew 25:40).